Sunday, June 21, 2015


And we have a positive!! Now, to the untrained eye it may appear that there is not a second line on this test but I assure you its there. It is very very faint but it is very very there. I don't want to get myself too excited but it's there and I am relieved. I know I still have a long way to go and lots of overanalyzing to do, but we are off to a good start. It is still very early but to already be getting a positive, as light as it may be, is a really good sign. This could mean that both Thing 1 and Thing 2 attached.....we could be having twins! Wouldn't that be amazing?!?
Today we celebrated Father's Day (a day early because HB has to work tomorrow) which was really nice because: a) we got to celebrate a really kick-ass dad; and, b) a full day at the beach kept me fully distracted and unable to POAS and/or Google. It was a beautiful day and we all had a great time. A day complete with boogie boarding, surfing, relaxing, hanging with friends, bonfire and smores!
I haven't told HB yet that I have started testing although I am sure he can tell from the wrappers that are building up in the trash bin. I don't want to tell him until I am really confident that it is real. He tends to stay in reality and prefers to wait for the actual blood test before getting excited, which leaves me walking the streets of crazytown alone. But if it appears the line is getting darker tomorrow, I may show him for Father's Day.

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