Well, I don't really have an excellent excuse for not writing the past few days except for extreme laziness. I have been SOOOOO tired lately it's ridiculous. Yesterday I came home from work and slept for two and a half hours and still ended up going to be around 9:30. It was crazy. I suppose fatigue is the only symptom I am showing at the moment, although I wish I was having more. I would feel more reassured that way. Luckily, however, my OB/GYN knows me (and my crazy) and has been greatly accommodating to my neurosis and has let me come in for additional betas beyond what my RE ordered. Other that the fatigue I had some minor twinges/pulls in my uterus, a quick spell or two of dizziness and sometimes I convince myself I am nauseous....but I don't know if that is really true.
I called my OB/GYNs medical assistant because I knew she would be really excited as she has been helping me through all of my surgeries, IVF, miscarriages, D&Cs, etc. As I imagined, she was thrilled and said that although it was extremely early Dr. S might be able to see me for an ultrasound. She has me come in that evening for some blood work to check my hcg and progesterone. which was exactly what I was hoping she would do. Watching my beta continue to rise will totally ease my mind. I got my results the next day. My beta rose from 354 to 1236 in 58 hours. That's amazing!!! That number absolutely exceeded my expectation!!!! I feel like we may be in twin territory with those numbers. Side note, progesterone came back at 20.8, which she said was great!
Two days later, at 15dp5dt/20dpo/4w6d I went in for an ultrasound. I can't describe how nervous I was, even though I knew there was a likelihood that we were not going to see much. From the research I have done most people just see empty sacks at this point. I didn't care though, I wanted to see that sack and know that we are on the right track and the baby wasn't growing in my tube or something awful like that. So Dr. S put in the wand.....of course the monitor that I was supposed to look to see what was going on was broken, so we had to sit and wait while Dr. S evaluated the situation and left us nearly dying in suspense. Silence. Then he pulls the wand out and says, "How far along are you supposed to be?" We froze with terror.
For those you who I have told about Dr. S you know that while he is a brilliant OB/GYN and surgeon he is less amazing with his bedside manner and remembering details , ie my name and surgeries (that he performed on me) for example. This is something I am not particularly fond of but have learned to live with over the years as he is the best as what he does, and I know I am in excellent hand while in his care.
I told him that we were only 4w1d and then he seemed to relax. He told me and HB that the ultrasound showed exactly what it should at that point.....a sac with the beginning of a yolk sack in my uterus...not my tube. All good news. Then I asked, did you see one or two? I was hoping to at least find out if we were having twins or not. He said he wasn't sure, but thought one. I am thinking that because he didn't know we transferred two, he didn't spend the time looking around for the second one. I still truly believe there are two in there. But needless to say, I am ecstatic for whatever is growing inside of me, 1 or 2!! Either way we would be extremely grateful.
Dr. S told me that we probably wouldn't see the heartbeat until around 6w2d. Which lands on a Saturday, meaning that I could not come in until that Monday, 11 days later. Well that just wasn't going to work for me so I asked if I could come in next week. He agreed as long as I promise that I wouldn't be disappointed if we didn't see a heartbeat as it would still be pretty early. I promised and we now have a ultrasound scheduled for next week.
They drew my blood again, because I asked them too and it came back at 2957!!!! It more than doubled in less than 48 hours. Everything is right on track. I hope more than anything this continues.
While looking at my post appointment notes online I saw that Dr. S ordered recurring hcg test for every 2 days until 07/31/2015. He didn't tell me to go in but I took this as a sign and did anyways today and just got those results back....5634!! Not quite doubling in 48 hours but very close. I have learned that once your hcg hits around 1200 doubling times slow from 48-72 hours to 72-92 hours. This time doubling time was 50 hours so again, right on track, even better actually!!!
I don't want to get myself too excited but this really feels like it could be it!! Until the ultrasound, I will be keeping everything crossed and trying to keep myself busy to pass the time.
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